More from the Bare ARM series of solderless projects - the Garage Parking Aid.
This kit tracks the ARM Cortex M0 project documented in the
The Full GPA Kit contains all the parts needed to match the project instructions. Included is the USB adapter () with branded FTDI chip, already modified to support the ARM processor program loading conventions. Plus a matching USB cable, bread board, NXP LPC810 chip, Sharp IR distance sensor, 4*AA battery box, enough wire jumpers and the other required small components. The plywood baseboard shown in the first article is not included.
No soldering - the Full GPA Kit is plug and play.
The No FTDI GPA Kit contains the parts needed to match the project instructions without the USB interface or USB cable. Included are the bread board, NXP LPC810 chip, Sharp IR distance sensor, 4*AA battery box, enough wire jumpers and the other required small components. Choose this when you already have a . Alternatively, if you have an FTDI adapter like the make for the ARM processor program loading conventions. The plywood baseboard shown in the first article is not included.
Moderate soldering skills required for the FTDI modifications.
Tools: No tools are essential for building the solderless version. For a neater finish, a pair of are useful to trim the length of the component leads before plugging into the breadboard.
The are freely available.